You just gotto ignite the spark....
It's a wonder we are still alive.
Tonight at the Annual Arson-fest, himself and I stood on a packed pavement - the organisers decided in their wisdom not to allow people to stand on the beach, because it was wet underfoot ... so hundreds, I have no idea how many were packed on the pavement facing the beach. Passers by trying to pass ON THE MAIN ROAD.
The grass verge behind us - was being used as a car park. - the beach car park was closed because it is always flooded. The folk who live on the beach front must be delighted.
So anyways, we were standing, directly opposite where they would start, so we were cool. But then...
A little family group came along and stood right in front of us. Blocking the whole pavement.
Three adults and three kids. None of the kids were older than 8.
It wasn't that they were standing in front of us, because the fireworks would be above us. They weren't blocking the view.
The fact that the blocked the pavement was slightly perturbing because mums and dads with buggies and small children were having to bump onto the road, (the MAIN road) which runs along the beach.
But no, the three adults took from their pockets the biggest box of sparklers, and three cigarette lighters, and then promptly gathered the children around them, "to shelter the lighters from the wind".
There they were, middle of the pavement, faces not more than 10 inches from the lighter and the sparkler, HOLDING THEIR HANDS AROUND THE FLAME - All of them.
The trying to light the sparklers went on for two of the lighters. And I really thought they were going to give up. I kept repeating, loudly, "Seriously", "Stupidity of Humanity".
But they didn't.
Eventually they got one lit, and from the one, they lit the other ones. Handed them to the kids, who then started waving them about. The kids were screaming "the sparks are hitting me" (The wind was pretty strong and sparks were in fact flying about 6ft behind them).
The two little girls standing beside me, asked their mum to go home, because they were scared of the fire in front of them.
Then as the sparklers died they put them all on the pavement beside the adult with the lighter. And when they blew along a bit.... one of the kids bent down to PICK THEM BACK UP. NO GLOVES.
Jesus H Christ.
Seriously. Should these people have been allowed to have babies?
Or maybe I should just stay away from large crowds of humanity.
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