
I spotted this community garden next to where I parked my car before my date. I went on a date today! It was with the same woman I'd been on a few dates with lately. We hadn't seen each other in over a month because she was really busy, plus my new job was making me busier.

I'm not sure how today's date went. It was quick. We just got drinks at a coffee shop and went for a walk. After which she had to pick up her sister, so we couldn't hang out very long or go anywhere else after.

Now I feel awkward and am really doubting myself. I like this woman and would like to pursue a relationship, but after today, I kind of doubt she'd want to pursue one with me. That makes me sad and scared.

That sure was a lot of words for this photo. Anyway, here's a pumpkin patch. Look at the little pumpkins and ignore my misadventures in dating.

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