
...for gold

this time of year - brings with it a plethora of colors in nature - everywhere you look you can - be inundated with an overload to the senses - it's why autumn is one of - my favorite seasons of all time - ranking right up there - of course is how trees are changing - their colors constantly from green to shades - of red, orange, yellow, green, pink, purple - you name it the color is probably represented

here in the rockies - the aspens turn this incredible shade - of gold which shimmer in the sunlight - it is a most spectacular and breathtaking sight - one everyone should experience if they have an opportunity - in their lifetime - the 1st time i saw them left me - with mouth gaping open like a fool - but also realizing how truly awesome - my creator is to have put something - so wonderfully gorgeous on this planet - for my delight and so that - i could have...


happy day.....

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