There's something about humans!.....

.......They don't just survive.....
They discover. They create!
Remy (Ratatouille)

This morning started with checking a particular website repeatedly in the hope that the pending cross country event would be cancelled. It wasn't! It ran through the monsoon....literally!!
As the last race finished the rain stopped and the sun actually appeared for the prize giving.
I don't get cross country, particularly when it's just running round a field. Nor do I get it when all the kids can do at the end of the course is cry!!!
Anyway, I got home at 2, dried off and made pancakes for breakfast! At 4 I nipped into town for a couple things and got soaked again!
Home just before 5 and all I wanted was to sit somewhere cosy and dry and have a hot coffee.
So, PJ bottoms were applied accompanied by a sofa, coffee, chocolates and Netflix! I watched the beginning of Ratatouille (thus the quote!!), until it was time to adorn myself in wet clothes once more and head out to the Burnsies bonfire.
Thankfully, it was really quite lovely there! The sky had cleared so we could see the stars and it wasn't all that cold. The campfire was already roaring when I arrived, bonfire built and checked for hedgehogs and mulled wine, mulling!!!
I enjoyed cooking the hot chocolate as I ate my pulled pork sandwich and watching the bonfire eventually catch light. Fireworks were appreciated, sparklers enjoyed, and way too many toasted marshmallows eaten! :)
The photo is of the fire that Naimh and Eoin managed to bring to life from one tiny glowing ember of the camp fire after it had been abandoned for the greater heat of the massive bonfire.
I got home at 10, took Jewelz for a wee wander round the neighbourhood. Then sat for a wee bit before bed. :) ahhhh!!

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