
By ScarletMonkey


My biggest frustration was the attitude of some of the students we had with us. I would have done anything to have an opportunity like this when I was 17 and the fact that some of them took it for granted drove me crazy at times. Especially when I had been working often well into the evening to put together a schedule for them. They had the opportunity to meet world experts, learn from very experienced dive staff and generally have so many experiences that others can only dream of. Yet, we had kids skipping lectures, dives, workshops and just generally not seeming to care about anything apart from having spare time to sit on the beach. 

By far the most enthusiastic were the participants from schools who has fund raised to get there. They had worked relentlessly, usually over more than a year to get the money together. The ones whose parents had just paid for them seemed to view it as a holiday. I don’t begrudge them for being lucky enough to have high earning parents, but I hope that I can raise my own children to value experience, and to appreciate any privileges they get. 

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