Fornham cottages in Suffolk.

Visit to Mum today in very gloomy weather. Mum in great spirits as after about seven weeks of issues since her hip operation she is finally ready to return to her home. In typical fashion she was excited and frustrated she could not go today! But tomorrow everything is at last in place so reassured she awaits her move back home.

Before I went further progress in the study and a trip to the dumpit site where I had reluctantly dumped loads of pamphlets collected over the years. Always a hoarder of work stuff it was not easy but job done and the study is a little lighter.

Busy week ahead, London tomorrow and then Chester Tuesday evening to speak at a conference as a pre dinner speaker, never an easy slot. Must write the speech soon! Home Wednesday, London Thursday and back to Suffolk to take Mum for her check up at the hospital. Next weekend back to the study!

Hope you all had a great weekend.

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