
By tepeka

If looks could kill..

Not this guy. No - he was lovely, and drove his tuk-tuk in an entirely responsible and safe fashion. I'm talking about the first two extras: specifically the girl on the far left, who wants to kill me, and the guy on the far right, who definitely wants to kill me.

Anyway, I'm still here, so greetings from Mangalore!

It's not, to be honest, the loveliest town I've ever been in, but it's far from the worst. And, I have to say, all the people I've met so far have been charming and wonderful.

I was picked up from the airport last night by a colleague and the guy who runs the company we've come to visit. Tonight, we had a staff party for the company here, which, it turns out, involved lots of men dancing with men. Including me. Don't judge me, dear reader.

There are various extras for you to peruse. Thankfully, I'm in none of them.

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