Remembrance Sunday, Edinburgh

Quite an emotional day. Tears at the Remembrance parade in Edinburgh. I always find it very emotional and to be standing there among soldiers , young and old and listening to the bands play, the gun salute from Edinburgh Castle and the two minute silence and remembering all those who fought, are fighting , died and suffered during and after any war it was too hard to hold back a tear or two.
Fortunately it stayed dry and not too windy.
We went to the Filling Station after for Brunch. Very tasty.
We walked down the Royal Mile and reminisced when looking around the Museum of Childhood.
Legs and knees aching by now so we went back to the hotel, through the wind and the rain, eyes streaming because of the wind this time.
Then we went to see Shrek the Musical in the Playhouse Theatre. Excellent and soooo funny, tears of laughter this time. Lord Farquaad was hilarious !
A delicious meal in an Italian Resturant followed and I even had room for a pudding of a crepe with icecream, strawberries and toasted almonds.

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