Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Burning Bosoms of Hellfire

Steamin' drunk steampunks as far as the eye could see, major effort had been gone to by all on the halloween dress-up front, everybody looked fantastic. Home in wee small hours but by 10am I was on my way to A&E. Apparently, that's a sign of a really, really good party.

Two hours of rereading signage, trying not to panic and avoiding the eyes of the other waiting lunatics before being assessed by a lovely nurse to find out if I needed to wait another two hours to be seen by a Dr. The A&E staff get no down time, they are non stop. I eventually found myself sitting in a cubicle, facing two doctors and a nurse, trying to explain that I wasn't a deviant and there was a perfectly reasonable explanation of why I had a very angry chemical burn on my cleavage, despite said area being modestly covered at all times during a series of most unfortunate events. They were getting all excited by the fact the chemical hadn't dissolved but had instead liked me so much it had decided to fuse to my skin. They said I had won the weirdest A&E presentation of the year, I replied that the day was still young.

Treatments, painkillers and back in a few days to see if they needed to take further action. I've since been sporting a very impressive alien like V shaped burn, quite ironic given the party trick was about testing if you were a vampire. I have also had flash backs to O grade Chemistry at Bridge of Don Academy.

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