An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Cat and Mouse...

Almost another back blip! I really am rubbish at getting back into the blip swing!

Last day of school today until 15th August! Yay! A bit of respite from the 5.50am rises! Although I have to admit I do love being up and all ready before Alan leaves for school as I feel the rest of the day is mine then. Sadly so far it's been spent mainly on chores but after the hols I really am going to try and manage my time better!

Alan's new school was finishing at 12 noon today so picked him up and headed back to Cumbernauld to his old school as he'd been invited to attend their Celebration of Success and collect his Certificate of Achievement for all his hard work over the rest of this year. Popped into my work (ex-work just doesn't sound right!) for a quick hello too. They were also finishing up for 4 weeks so everyone was in good spirits.

Alan was greeted like the Prodigal Son when we got to his old school and was whisked away while I took my seat in the hall. The Celebration was fantastic. Hearing the achievements of all these young people who face so many challenges in life is awe inspiring and totally humbling. I managed to keep it together until we were all invited to sing I Have a Dream. Big gulps and much dabbing of the grit in my eye!

When it was Alan's turn to get his certificate he got a huge cheer. That set me off again! I'm a complete embarrassment to obviously I'm doing this mum thing right! ;-))

Afterwards home to relax and chill (Alan not me....chance would be a fine thing!)

Just looked at last years blip for today and realised it is a year tonight since David and I first viewed this house and realised we had found our new home. Can't believe it's a year!

Thank you so much for your continued comments despite my lack of is just so hectic at the moment!! I will make a huge effort over the weekend to catch up xxx

P.S. Think I have chosen my final 10 pics for my OU course final assignment. Just need to check them properly to see if any work needing done to them then get the written part done. Then I promise you will have my full attention! :-)))

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