
By fg55

Holidays - day..I've lost track!

San Diego Zoo today. I can see why it has the reputation of the best zoo in the world - it was amazing.
I'm not sure what my favourite was..the lovely pandas; the adorable jaguar cubs who were cuddled up together sleeping when we first saw them, then playing and eating later in the day; the elephants - I love them!; the baby giraffe, 3 weeks old and already more than 6 foot tall.... I loved it all!
Its baby duck time in San Diego and we saw loads of them. If I could have snuck one in my pocket I would have.
We were exhausted after all the zoo walking, so lounged by the pool for the rest of the day - the cool wind disguising a blistering hot sun which resulted in a blistering burnt back. Ouch!!
I'm thinking that once his Mummy tells him what animal this is, Euan might be able to say the word himself :-) xxxx

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