See it, Snap it, Share it

By pplnani

Just Cruisin'

The photo group has the topic of 'Old Age' ( a dreadful topic, I know)  coming up in a couple of months and as I don't generally take photos of people I've been really struggling for ideas but when I spotted this earlier I thought it might just do. I'm not trying to poke fun at this gentleman as I would probably struggle to hit that speed as a maximum, it just seemed very apt for the topic and I have to admit the picture as a whole made me chuckle.
I needed a laugh too as I managed to forget I had changed the settings on my camera to take photos at  night-time on a tripod, so everything was rather blurred and overexposed, especially the birds in flight over the lake.....what a dimwit.....maybe I should submit a selfie for the 'Old Age' topic!!
 So this is the best of a very bad bunch ;-))

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