Blurry bird
Leisurely morning, then some unexpected extra gardening time in the afternoon as Mr B volunteered to deal with Sunday lunch (roast duck).
Later, off (me and TallGirl) to a soirée of Mozart (and a wee bit of Hummel) up at our village church. A very fine string orchestra (? is that the right word - there were 8 of them) playing a good variety of pieces. Minor irritations: the pews were a bit hard (next time I will do as they other locals did and take a cushion), the organisers kept turning the house lights off and on for no obvious reasons during the concert (unless it was just someone accidentally leaning against the light switch), and the lady behind me hummed the first few dozen bars of each movement. It was as though she wanted to say "Oh, I know this one". Grief - it's Mozart: we ALL know this one.
Anyway, all those things aside, it was good to remind myself how much I enjoy live music. Though the speeches were a bit long (especially when the viola player kept getting up for her big solo, and then having to sit down again). But the solo violinist, and leader, played three movements as soloist with no music at all. He got lots of extra applause for that!
Home then for a brief sit in the garden with Mr B (where this hoopoe was photographed badly) to enjoy what will probably be the last summer evening of the year. It's about time too.
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