A leaf on the wind...

By TamCat


... And keeping it that way! Atleast for now. Today would have been a long, stressful, scary day, if I'd felt well enough to be stressed or scared. I went to the doctor because this whole Walking Pneumonia has knocked me down and is giving me a good hardy kicking. So there I am with a fever, coughing, weak, my whole body shaking, unable to eat, and the floor kept moving on me, while I was poked, prodded, and questioned. Then more pokes and more proddings. Then they hit me with "we think more is going on. It may be your appendix". Seriously? Walking Pneumonia's not enough? So off for a CT scan I went with a "Emergency Surgery may occur TONIGHT, depending on what it shows". They let me go. I'm taking that as a good sign. I guess we'll find out more when my doctor gets the full results.

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