
I'm not sure I buy into the concept of grumpy old men (and women); I don't think we get more cantankerous as we get older, I think we just get a bit more honest about what we do and don't like. For example, I never really liked nightclubs. Too loud to talk and mostly rubbish music, so what was the point? But I would go along because that's what everyone was doing. 

Similarly, I've never enjoyed big crowds. The idea of going up to, say, Trafalgar Square for new year's eve is pretty much the antithesis of what I consider to be a good time. In fact, the best new year's eve I ever had was in 2001, when I spent the evening alone. I bought a load of food and drink, and took advantage of the fact that my neighbours were away to DJ to myself at full volume for the whole evening.

So when Dan and Abi said they wanted to go along to the bonfire and fireworks at the rugby club, this evening, I was never going to be wildly enthusiastic, especially now that they're at an age where they just go off with their friends. But they did have a great time, despite the rain, including, for Abi, seven rides on this contraption in the photo, and that's the main thing.

And, to be honest, I did like the fireworks. It's not so much the visual aspect of the display, I just like how mindbuggeringly loud they are.

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