
By sandyshore

MonoMonday - Money

The coins are Belgian, pre WWII, made into a bracelet during WWII. My Grandpa was there in the war. He brought this home for my Grandmother. He gave it to me on my 21st birthday.

The tortoiseshell box with a silver band around it is engraved with the date 1738. It looks like a travel soapbox to me but I've been told it is a coin purse. It was from my Grandparents' house. 

Extra mononday-money photo: front-page of this weekend's newspaper headlines - A robbery at a petrol station where thieves used a digger to steal an entire ATM machine. Troika worried that Ireland has budget problems. Coincidence?

Three photos in today's challenges helped me today - thanks to:

Good Morning Canary -- Beautiful atmospheric picture which I'm sure reminded me of the coins in my bracelet. 
Bunty --  lovely and interesting, reminded me to connect my choices of items (and stop faffing about with extras like newspapers) and gave me a valid excuse to spend some extra time remembering my lovely Grandpa.
MarieM4754 --  elegant simplicity. I finally stopped faffing and turned on the desk light. (Then I had to add some filtering cos I couldn't get your clarity).

Song choice is for my Grandpa - (not only the biggest Astaire fan I've ever known but he even looked like him.) (Physically.)(Not saying he dressed like a tramp...)
We're a Couple of Swells - Fred Astaire & Judy Garland in Easter Parade

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