probably definately

By chole33

What would you take?

For those of you playing along at home, that isn't fog rolling down the mountains. That is smoke from the Flagstaff fire.

We were discussing the fires while biking home after work today (it being Bike to Work day and all). The topic was, what would you take if you need to evac? What would you miss the most standing in the burned rubble of your house? The general thought was pets, photos and probably some valuables. I used to think that since i lived in the suburbs, rather than out in the mountains I wouldn't have to worry about it. Then i stared seeing photos from the Waldo fire - entire subdivisions on fire.

I feel for the crews out fighting the fires. It is going to be a very long wildfire season for them if we don't get some rain soon. I am particularly worried about the areas badly damaged by beetle kill. A single spark and I have no idea how they will stop it before it burns everything to the ground.

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