Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Trouble, again.

"The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism."
Norman Vincent Peale

Look happy as a pig in wotsit don't I? Rolling in the grass after my walk is one of my favourite things. But today I am very lucky to be allowed on my walk. Here's what happened:

It was early and lately I have been going outside to 'help' Snotty with the chickens. I usually just sit outside and watch and enjoy the delicacy that is chicken poo. Today I came over all evil predatory vicious bird killer daft and broke into the chicken run! What fun I had! Dashing here, dashing there... Grabbing a chicken by the leg. Ran around a bit until Snotty could catch me. What a great game!

And oh that bird did make a noise! A racket! I wasn't going to eat it! Just wanted to play!

It was only when I was unceremoniously yanked away that I realised that I was in BIG trouble.

How's a puppy to know that chickens aren't a toy? aprecious says the fact that they are moving around and alive is a bit of a clue. How's a puppy to know that chickens aren't food? aprecious says the fact that they are not on a plate with all the trimmings is a clue.

I have written both of these clues down in my 'How to be a good Dog Book'

I have to go into the real world today which necessitates wearing proper clothes! Ha! Will be a bit ad hoc with comments as I'm watching a piece of theatre, and off to an award ceremony where one of our young people is in line for a volunteer of the year award. Fingers crossed

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