The Chirp

A horrible muggy, wet and windy day but Chirpy's always ready for a few extra meal worms and he doesn't mind having his photo taken either. Not many photo opportunities today so thank goodness for my little feathery friend.

We've been hard at it - clearing out the end room ie the small room where everything gets thrown if you're not sure where to put it. It contains all the old paint tins, the hoover, ladders, insulation, Christmas decorations, quite a few tools, boxes of stuff from school, things that have broken, some chest of drawers full of stuff and all the things we buy in bulk from TJs heathfood shop: laundry liquid, washing up liquid, rice, lentils etc.  The laundry liquid had an incident a few months ago and seeped all over the floor. Newspaper was put on top but that was all and today I looked underneath -  not nice.  Anyway, things we don't need or that are beyond repair are going to the dump; old tools and paints are heading out to the workshop, now quite empty after son#2's visit, and I'm eventually going to bring all my card stuff in here and have a different kind of useful room. My card stuff is currently in the studio where Himself now wants to work large. A few more days hard graft will be required.

Chips and arthouse shortly. Tonight's offering is Girlhood  -  honest, empowering and electrifying apparently! Will report back.

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