
By GloryGlory


Sometimes we need to fall back in love with our lives as they are right now, with the right priorities, and dare I say it; with ourselves.

Life isn't always wonderful. On the face of it mine isn't right now. The kids are poorly and we've not slept much for the last few days. There's quite a handful of other challenges pressing close too.

I over think a lot, a lot, but this week so far hasn't allowed for that. The practical needs of looking after my family and the service of being Mum has brought me out of the trap of over thinking and frankly showed me how much I've got to give, (though I can't give it when they're at school which saddens me to the core.) shown me that I'm not a crappy Mummy and that there's value in that, to these small people who have so much going on.

I'm grateful. My kids illness reminds me powerfully of what matters in life, which is unfortunately so easy to forget when it matters. I hope I'm reminded again, and again.

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