But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Tiny Tuesday - Grass Seed-Head.

I'm not quite sure what constitutes "tiny" in terms of the Tuesday challenge; however, since the object is smaller than a smart phone screen on which it might be viewed, I think I can justify this as being a macro (by my definition).

Many years ago, a colleague of mine spent a week of his annual holidays doing a botanical survey; the sort of exercise where you throw a metre square frame over your shoulder and then count the plant species within the square where it lands. He was specialising in grasses. He claimed he wasn't an expert as he could only identify about fifty different species. I, on the other hand can manage the four cereal crops commonly grown in Britain, while wild grasses are an unknown to me other than that I can pick half a dozen different varieties from the hedgerows without being able to name them. By the same token, I know a couple of names,  timothy and bent, without being able to recognise them.

I'm rather like that with people; I know the names of many of my friends and I know the faces of them The real problem is, that I cannot connect the two lists

Today, Tiny Tuesday is hosted by JDO who produce a stunning droplet picture.

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