Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Spokes Ride to Humbie - Petersmuir Wood

A weird day, but the clouds have cleared to allow me to lead the November Spokes Ride which went to Humbie, in East Lothian. In the sun it felt very warm. Not the 20deg C it was in Wales, but warm nonetheless. The clouds have disappeared and we have blue skies all day.

We take the most direct route to Humbie through Gilmerton, Dalkeith and Pathhead, and then some lovely country roads. It is a tad hilly, but we're not in a rush. Some great views across the Midlothian countryside.

After lunch we head through East Lothian country side, towards Haddington. We stop at Petersmuir Wood, a birch wood. The trees have their autumn colouring. Blue and yellow are traditional complementary colours.

From here were head down to East Saltoun through the wood, and then west passing the Glenkinchie Distillery, It was here one person took a long time to catch up. I cycle back to find the rider had a puncture.

Unfortunately the rider did not carry a spare inner tube. Fortunately, it was warm enough to use glue, even though finding the hole was a trial as it was very small. I spot a small nick in the tube and spit on it, found it. The cause of the puncture, a sharp piece of aluminium between the tyre and tube.

I decide to take a direct route back to Dalkeith, which does involve riding along an A road, but there isn't much traffic on it. We get back to Gilmerton just after 4. Not too bad given the delay. A little under 60km on a great autumn day.

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