One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

One for the (rail)road

Tomorrow is the last day of school before the summer break.
This means that there will be less Darting Pain shots in the next eight weeks.

I will miss the cycling down to the Dart station with Luca on the cross bar and his questions about the running speed of velociraptors and other struthiomimuses.

I will miss the smile and greeting of the Brazilian girls who hands us our copy of the Metro Herald shite commuter newspaper at Salthill and Monstown Dart station.

I will miss my conversations with Luca on the effects of radiation and all things nuclear until Pearse Street station.

I will miss watching him add some hilariously expressive little lizards to the photos in the shite commuter newspaper (news is a very loose term here. It is mostly about Lady Gaga and cute baby tigers).

I will miss my 40 minutes of uninterrupted reading between Kilbarrack and Salthill-Monkstown.

I will miss Kevin at Kilbarrack Dart station.

I will not miss the grumpy bollix at Kilbarrack Dart station (you know who you are)

I will not miss the grumpy bollix at Salthill-Monkstown Dart station (you know who you are)

I will not miss trying to buy a ticket on Monday mornings when the credit card machine does not work.

I will not miss Luca farting on the train and me dying with the embarrassment.

I will not miss the dozens of disgusting passengers who snort and swallow rather than use tissues.

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