We are a Green Country.
I have been home for nearly a month after the fabulous trip to the States and I am still struck by how green our country is. Late this afternoon I went to the Tree Trust and had a lovely half an hour taking pics of green plants. This ponga fern frond was the winner because it had some light on it.
Some exciting news at school today. The community arts advisor who is employed by the city and district council has chosen our school to create a mural that will hang at our airport for the next two years. He wants to work with 12 children who will design and then paint the mural. This chaps name is Marc Spijkerbosh and his daughter has painted two of the Chorus power boxes that I have blipped. I have the job of choosing the 12 children and that is going to be difficult. I can't wait to see him working with them. I might pick up some tips.
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