
living here by these flowers on the edge of a walking, cycling, running, skating route that is used by many people all year round I get to see a lot of people. I see runners turn into walkers as their baby-bellies grow and then, one day, they go past with their baby in a stroller or a wrap and then they are out running again on their own and a few years later running with a small child cycling next to them. I see people walking with crutches move on to walking with sticks to walking unsupported to jogging past. I see fat people getting thiner, dogs getting older and being replaced by puppies, skinny cyclists in tight lycra or fat cyclists in t-shirts soaked with sweat....and I think about two things. 1) how amazing people are when they are determined to do something. I feel proud of my regulars as I see them turning from fat, pale, flabby people into fit and lean, tanned people. But (second thing) I despair about the society we live in that lets people live and work in situations where we become so unfit and unhealthy. I was alarmed by how fast my downhill turn was when I went from farming to office work and how much effort it takes to remain fit when it used to just happen through a healthy life-style.
This year I've watched as some of my friends have made the amazing journey from obesity to merely overweight. People who have changed their lifestyles in order to become fit and healthy. And they are still going, determined to meet target sizes that take them into the healthy range.
So, when I drove home for the umpteenth time today (once was by bike) and met a family out jogging together - the father was one who started on crutches and the mother has lost so much weight that I wasn't sure if it was really her to start with - I thought that it's never too late in life. I've always known that about learning - after all, my mother did her masters degree well into her 60s - but knowing that it's never too late to get healthy is good to know too. Life isn't over til it's over (and sod the fat lady, she should diet) and I'm planning on staying alive until I die. How about you?

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