Point of View

TT Reporting
These 3 Maori Warriors stand guard at the people entrance of Queenstown Airport where we went today to rescue The Bossess from the clutches of work and air travel. To the amusement of the people hanging around The Boss sorta almost kinda lied on the ground with his iPhone to get this image and there is no way it would have looked like this if he had done the usual “tourist” thing of holding the phone at arms length and slightly higher than his eyes.
“If you want a different image get a different point of view” he said to the assembled “gawkers” and I would have agreed except I was firmly anchored to the camera pak with a grrreat view of the bark of his head.
Such is the life of a small stuffed dog.

The noon light was not at all flattering so The Boss did a mono conversion and has spoken to The Bossess  about timing her arrivals to when there is better lighting.
I don’t think she was sympathetic to this suggestion but did let him shout lunch.


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