My heart leaps up .....

..... when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!

William Wordsworth

I thought that might have been that for Blip but here we are back whizzing through the ether - or something.

A wild night and a wild day - a bit of everything happening. We went for a yomp round the circuit and got drenched twice, buffeted by the winds  and rushed down to the sea when the light went strange. Rainbow weather alright - see extra for the full glory but I liked the odd colours of this.

Several correct answers to yesterday's conundrum - it was bubble wrap. Giant bubblewrap mind. Heading to the dump, reluctantly including my gigantic sheet of giant bubblewrap - some of it well popped, I saw the sun glint through it and just had to take a photo of it before abandoning it. Of course I had my camera with me!

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