Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Meeting for coffee

Whew! It is back again - Blipfoto has been offline since after lunch and I thought this was it, the expected final demise...but no, it is back again!

I met some friends for coffee this morning, at the same café I went to last week - the coffee is so good I have spent all week thinking about when I could go again. They kindly agreed to a quick photo.

I am very worried about Adam - last week he got that inevitable 'freshers' flu' which has deteriorated into tonsillitis. This morning he went back to the doctor as he says his glands were noticeably standing out on his neck and he felt quite rotten with a high temperature. It turns out he has now developed quinsy, which is an abscess on the tonsil and if it does not improve by tomorrow he has to go to A&E to get it lanced. He is on strong antibiotics so I hope it won't be necessary. Unfortunately he has missed lectures, practicals and supervisions as he has been in bed for the past 2 days.

Winter finally made its presence felt today - it was noticeably chillier than it has been all month.

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