We pass by each other several times almost every day.  I don't know his name.  We don't talk much.  Language barrier.  He always gives me this great big smile.  He always looks happy.  And always reminds me of this story.
A Catholic priest was living in India, working with Lepers.  He rode to work every day in a cart powered by an old man on a bicycle.  This man was poorer than poor, had a wife and twelve children.  To help make ends meet, he had sold his body for five dollars.  After he had died, they would boil the flesh from his bones and sell his skeleton to a medical school.  Despite all of this the man seemed very happy everyday.  This incongruity bothered the priest. So one day he asked the man how he could be so happy despite his plight.  The man explained that none of these factors have anything to do with happiness.

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