The house isn't an antique, but the camera is. I bought a Kodak Autographic camera (picture here:
which is about 100 years old, and ran a 120 film through it. This is one of the 7 (count them!) pictures I got from the film. A bit fuzzy, and I'm concerned about why there is flare at the bottom left, but not too bad for a centurion really. Fairly good tonal range, if lacking the sharpness you expect from modern lenses. Hey, frankly I'm amazed and grateful that I got anything out of this experiment; all credit to the little beastie, considering there are four speeds (1/50, 1/25, B and T), limited focus (roughly "here" and "there"), limited aperture (roughly "wide" and "narrow") and no metering at all. The extra is Meg, lazing as usual.
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