Snowville Utah - Established 1871

This bell hung in the belfry of the old rock building, on this site, dedicated in July 1887. It was used by both The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the school. It rang for nearly 80 years to call the children to school and to warn of danger.

Interesting day.. Loaded very early with 44,500 pounds of puppy chow. This was good because light trailers were banned on Interstate 80 this morning over the pass. The reason? 60 MPH winds and 30 miles of ice.

Wyoming is known for high winds and for a long time many trucks were blown over until they implemented a safety system. 

No advisory - light to no wind
Strong gusts - up to 35 MPH
No light trailers - various on conditions but generally sustained winds over 35 MPH
Trailers Prohibited generally gust reaching 70 MPH or more

Saved lives and damage to those who follow those guidelines. Very heavy fines if you blow over violating the law.

Ended up in Snowville Utah and took a walk. Will be in Oregon if all goes well tomorrow.

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