Autumn of our Lives

Nice and easy today.  First, the housework, then discovered that BLIPfoto was down and realized I hadn't backed up, but took a deep breath and didn't panic.  Someone suggested clearing the cache, so I did, gained access to the front page, and that was it.  Couldn't log in so took the opportunity to go back to the entry that I had last backed up and started from there.  Wasn't finished yet before the 'Temporarily offline' message popped up.  In between, did some ironing, cleared up in the kitchen, played some games, brunch.  About 13.30, hubby suggested a walk, and I asked him what he thought about walking TO the woods, to which he replied that we could just take the car to the woods and then begin the walk from there.  In the meantime, despite a perfectly blue sky outside, I decided to heed the weather forecaster's warning of possible rain and hail at about 15.00.  It didn't look like it at all but I took the laundry in just the same.

We ended up leaving at about 14.30 and the weather was beautiful!  And then, right on the dot, almost at the end of our walk, at about 15.00, clouds began to close in and by 15.15, we had to run for it, which we did, racing and roaring in laughter, barely making it back to the car before the clouds burst.  I fully and reverently respect our weathermen.

Some extra shots, too!

For the blog:
Today was the day IS brought about a bloodbath in Paris resulting in the deaths of 129 people and about 300 wounded.  French President Hollande has declared a state of emergency for the entire country and all French borders have closed.  A massive manhunt has begun for the terrorists who did not blow themselves up but escaped.  Those who were killed in the suicide bombings and one who was shot by the gendarmes are being identified.  I think it will be a paralyzingly terrifying weekend for the whole of Europe and many other countries around the world will be re-evaluating their security measures.  A black day for us all.

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