Sol by name, Sol by nature...

....almost works! He is certainly a sunny & cheerful character this little one. A delight to spend time with him this morning.

My sister arrives in the morning!! Whooooop!
Also, blipped for yesterday...was too tired to last night, then Blip's been down all day, so only just managed to.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A good coffee with Danny this morning. We go for a coffee each day after we drop Asha at school, at the little place next door...We only spend about 15 minutes there, but starting the day off together has really made us feel more in tune with each other!
2) This gorgeous little boy. Full to the brim with character, cheekiness and smiles.
3) Asha's school - she came home with a beautifully decorated cupcake, wrapped in very chic looking cellophane & a bow - love the effort they put in with the kids....can't believe it has the reputation is has, and certainly can't understand it. SO glad we decided to go for it and place her there - a real gift from God.

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