A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Girl vs Golden Retriever

I can't post links from the phone but if you put golden retriever German shepherd and spaghetti into YouTube you should find the video that inspired the funniest minute of my life (so far).

A tiring but good day all round I think. Most notably for J as he was able to add in a second walk to his day and he has proactively come up with a plan to gradually increase his physical activity.

I have worked and apparently walked a lot as my new watch toy informs me I have done 19,000 steps which at least explains in part why I am exhausted at 9pm on a Friday. I think last night's blip probably explains the rest.

And big progress on Anna's room as the marvellous Peri came around and spent the day building flat pack furniture. We seem to have inadvertently created a splendid ice palace for her. I shall attempt to blip it once it is finally done.

Lesley x

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