What fright last evening when blipfoto was " down".  Hoped it would be up and running this morning but no.  What a relief to find all is OK now. 

Lily had a vets appointment this afternoon - just for her yearly jabs.  I put the cat basket in the bathroom and lured Lily upstairs to play in the bath - something she loves to do.  Had a bit of a play then I managed to get her into the basket - bit of a push and shove but there's no point in pussyfooting around as she would just break free.

Put the basket on the buggy and off we went.  It was freezing cold with a chill wind.  Our route took us through the park which is where I took my blip shot. All went well at the vets and Lily was well behaved. 

Back home and a quick turnaround for me to catch the bus to the Metrocentre.  I had an online order which was ready to pick up from Argos.  After Argos I went to M & S.  Bought 2 pairs of trousers and a nice warm jumper.  On the way back to the bus station I made a detour through House of Fraser.and made an impulse buy - a DKNY handbag. 

When I got home I couldn't find my debit card.  May have left it in House of Fraser.  Was going to ring them but it was " out of hours " so I just phoned my bank and cancelled the card.  3 - 5 day wait for a new one.  At least I won't be able to buy another handbag for a few days.

Its my brother's birthday today.  My extra shot shows him at a few months old with our Grandad.  Seems to be a picnic situation.  We used to go regularly to the moors near Edmundbyers for family days out.

Steps today - 12,009

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