Mixed Up Days

This pic was taken today (Saturday 14th) but because blip was down last night (13th) I didn't put my Friday shot up until this morning, and of course I put it on the wrong date!

We went to a birthday party at the Kent Street Weir, such a lovely park with public BBQ's and good amenities. However it was 38c and not really a day to be outside!! This is my son and I standing on the little bridge as the swans came through.

We made the most of a bad situation and when the sea breeze finally arrived just as the candles were being lit we all yelled out a big cheer which confused the birthday boy a bit! :)

I've called my extra 'Couples' for obvious reasons, these two black swans were very friendly and became the life of the party when they started to steal bread from the table and share it in front of us, the little ducks were very interested!

I'll have to catch up tomorrow, the heat has sapped me of energy and we've had thunderstorms tonight and poor Toto is beside himself!! I think I must go to bed with the little dog!!

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