One step at a time!

By IanO

Look at my poorly leg!

Lucy was spayed in preparation for several more operations, you can just see the stitches on her tummy. She also had an X-ray whilst under the anaesthetic, to determine if the mammary tumours she has recently developed have spread. The excellent news is that our vet, Tom gave the all clear on that score. The plan now is for her to heal for about 6–8 weeks and then have two 'mammary strips', this will remove all mammary glands.

She has recovered really well and taken it all in her stride, well, very small strides (she is a Yorkie after all) :-)

This is her being spoilt (nothing new there) as we support her through the recovery. She does not like sleeping in a cage or the inflatable collar I bought to stop her removing her own stitches as she has previously done, but who can blame her for that. GeordiePam takes first watch until about 5 am and then I take over. People will think us mad but we have always looked after our animals to the very best of our ability and will continue to do so.

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