a new year!

By Thesalh70

Well....what a day!

have to say i'm really whacked this week! it's obviously an age thing where you think you can work all day, paint all night, go to bed late and still feel as fresh as a daisy....but it don't happen! i stayed up late catching up on Euro 12 (Ronaldo clearly bottled it!), and also lots of breaking news (i wonder what!!).....Question Time will be good tonight!

up, shower, porridge and out. was really humid this morning. must've been at least 19 degrees as i got into work. off for a meeting out in Long Eaton, black clouds, thunder & lightning and torrential rain as we were there...still humid afterwards.

busy afternoon at work and still lots to do before the month end. wandered out mid afternoon and the Old Market Square was buzzing with preparations for the Olympic Torch Relay.

back to work and finished about 5.30pm. the torch had been delayed due to the storms earlier in the day (i hope that Alex didn't get too soaked as he watched it at the Major Oak), and i stood and waiting about 2 hours to get my photos. you know what's typical though....you stand and wait, and wait and wait, and then as things start to happen a policeman comes and stands right in front of you! oi...i said (much more politely, obviously!) and asked him to move on up!! ahh well, once in a lifetime and all that! he came back after Torvill & Dean had passed to look at my photos!

other highlight of the day was getting a tweet from Rebecca Adlington!! such a shame she missed carrying the torch through Mansfield. will tweet her a copy of my photo!

tomorrow, big day at 49, carpets down upstairs!

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