Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Downtown Cairo

A guy came this morning to try to fix the internet in the flat - no luck. At least my expectations had been low. Apparently it's a cable on the outside of the building in the inner well that's the problem. It's the responsibility of the owner to get that fixed, so the BC will be contacting her. I hope the fact that the BC are good tenants, pay every month and the fact that my colleague and I when here don't cause any problems will all go towards a speedy repair. I'm not holding my breath though. In the meantime, we've bought one of these little mobile 3G plug-in routers so that we can have internet in the bedroom. I do appreciate a colleague lending us one to use in the living room area, but I really miss just being able to catch up on things in my bedroom in my own space, in my jammies should I wish, watching the odd programme on the iPad and of course having access to Skype for calls.

Bb and I headed downtown in the afternoon in search of Kodak Passageway, which had been featured in a Cairo magazine recently and was cited as being an example of urban regeneration. We found it relatively easily and had a bit of a laugh that given that was our main mission of the day, it was over in 5 mins! However, it was interesting to see and then we wandered around for a bit longer. This is a pedestrianised street nearby, which is home to the stock exchange.

Now having dinner in Kandahar Indian restaurant.

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