Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Stay strong, France

Like millions of people the world over, my heart broke when I saw the tragic events unfolding in Paris.  I remember so vividly what it felt like to be attacked - the horror, the sorrow, the fear...the sense of utter disbelief.  And I also remember how the world stood by the United States in 2001 and I hope that we will all stand behind France now, showing the same humanity and solidarity.  And I also hope that not all Muslims will be held responsible for the actions of the radical few.  

I wanted an image that reflected what I was feeling today and I I finally decided to sketch something and take a photo of it.  So this is my way of sending love and comfort to everyone who's lives were touched by the events in Paris yesterday.  My message... stand strong and know that our hearts are with you.


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