Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Not all will sleep so well tonight

I've not had the words for yesterday's tragic events in Paris. Too many people missing loved ones, too many innocent people subjected to a brutal, barbaric murder. I can't see sense or reason in it. I've thought of little else all day and had nightmares last night. I'm not using Pray for Paris as I wouldn't presume prayer will help those affected and it obviously didn't protect those who were killed and traumatised. I'm not religious and today I struggle to see how anyone could be. Just personal musings.

Aside from that, the day was good for the girls, they had much fun which I'm sure kept their minds off Paul not being home this weekend. I picked up a very lovely Singer treadle sewing machine I bought yesterday. It will replace the not quite as nice one I have already, which I'll hopefully now sell. 111 years old and still working!
Settled in with a beer and a book now.
I've got some serious blip catch up to do. ..again!

Hope you all have a good weekend.

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