Leaving Barcelona
At the end of a week´s stay in Blighty, this is the start of the second leg of the journey back to Menorca. It was meant to include a huge orange slice of moon tipped in its back (there's a technical name for that I know), but somehow I missed it and this is the only photo from today so that's your lot.
After leaving for the airport in Liverpool at 5 am, getting to Barca and waiting over 8 hours for the connecting flight, I was not at my best, especially my feet, encased in thick socks and hiking boots, which I wanted to bring back but hadn't the weight allowance free in my case.
Now to rest after the mania of the UK pre-Xmas, the dreary weather and the countless other reasons I prefer my quiet little pàrt of the world. Looking forward to seeing actual sunshine again and hearing nothing but the birds and the waves. Bring it on.
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