Dirty Neighbours

Not mine of course.
I like the ornament in Chicken Lady's garden but can't help feeling the ball needs a clean.

Whilst I was being attacked by the chickens Cheeky was trying to sneak up on a bit of bread  which he then pretended to ignore. However, he had his trouser legs rolled up ready to leg it when he realised he had been spotted.

While I was at the craft sale yesterday Maude The Merciless  and the others were fed by Mrs Mac who is far too soft on them.
She lets them come into the kitchen as evidenced by this....

This afternoon I was asked for some advice regarding the police (in)action regarding a problem a friends daughter has.
Basically the local police are putting more effort into avoiding doing a very simple task than actually doing it.
I gave my advice on how to deal with it and off she and her father went to do so.
I then got a further call with the poor girl in tears over the way they had been treated by a civilian member of staff and then a useless plod.
Tomorrow the complaints department will be getting a call ........ and probably the local press too.

It is now embarrassing to admit I used to be in the police.
The complete ineptitude and hostility from the staff since the announcement that Police Scotland was bring formed is appalling - and it comes from the top down!

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