It's A Big 'High Five' For Team Kit Today...

It's a big 'high five' for team Kit today...Johnny was star pony, Sushi was star groom and I..well I managed to keep my calm and remember my recent lessons and together we pulled off a very satisfying dressage win.

Today we upped the ante at a local riding club competition and competed at a level above that we have been competing at recently. With Johnny's recent illness and time off, I wasn't expecting a great result, it was more a training session so I was delighted that we came 2nd in the first class (but as it was mixed level, I got an overall 4th place rosette) and 1st in the second class with a score higher than anything I have scored on the last few outings...

I do apologise for being so behind on comments and I am grateful for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts and I will catch up soon...I promise!

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