and through the wire...

By hesscat

There's No Place Like Home

Ms H has been spending most of her time this past week as part of stage crew preparing for the S3 show of The Wizard of Oz this coming Wed/Thu/Fri. It's her first year in and she's loving it... we however are in and out of Edinburgh 2 or 3 times a day! 

I had wanted to blip our house, above, with us in front of it but the opportunity did not arise with Ms H in town all weekend with the stage crew so here it is on its lonesome. On Tuesday it was our 20 year anniversary living here... apparently back then I suggested to Mrs C it would be just 10 years, but I suspect that was to persuade her to move out into the sticks. I think the longest I have lived anywhere else is about 6 years but this doesn't feel like 20 years... must be getting old...

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