Being WildCardinal...

By WildCardinal

The River Test

This lovely scene is in a small village a couple of miles from home. It was a pleasure stopping off on the way home from work to get this shot; quite a few people out walking dogs who ware all very friendly and chatty. It's amazing how much friendlier people are in small villages.

I read about this place on a comment on the walk I did on Sunday evening. I didn't make the detour at the time, but thought that it may be a nice place to come back to, and it certainly is.

The River Test is a shallow chalk river at this point, which means the water is wonderfully clear (and full of trout). Being shallow it spreads out and is frequently carried in many channels. At this point it all comes together in a broad stream, which goes on far beyond the end of the picture. The bridge curves left and right for a good 150 metres before hitting the other bank. Amazingly peaceful to stand and watch the water go by.

London again tomorrow, so probably something urban.

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