
By don_T

Cycling on a gorgeous mid November Sunday

Woke up to a beautiful and mild Sunday after an incredible evening out for dinner and theatre. Started brunch preparations then Mr hazelh and I got on the bikes and headed north into the country. This photo is of a favorite farm I ride by. If you look over his left shoulder, above the white horse, you can see 2 people on the small roof doing repairs. So very mild and gorgeous today - we did 36 km in 1.5 hrs while cousins hazelh and my hubby prepared the rest of the Sunday brunch. All went perfectly well until I arrived home and tried to help, but I dropped the hot bacon potato tart I had slaved over earlier. It is a dish that needs 3 hrs in the oven to cook; unfortunately it shattered on the floor leaving a huge mess and ruined my most prized pottery pie plate. Hazelh immediately provided a huge hug, which helped alot. We cleaned up and rallied making a few other items to replace this dish. Our favourite neighbours arrived for brunch and we had great visit and enjoyed introducing our cousins to our neighbours. After we were stuffed, caffeinated and highly sugared we sauntered off for a walk through the trails in the ravine. We needed to get some exercise and to make the most of this splendid weather. We are heading out shortly to see the new Bond movie, Spectre, at the VIP theatre as our last night 'hurrah' with our fabulous cousins. Sadness sets in soon, it has been lovely and feels like we have been together a month as we have done so many fun things! It will be very hard to say goodbye...luckily we have made plans for future visits. Now we will start the countdown until we see each other again.

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