Hypericum calycinum -------
-------- or Rose of Sharon!
I can't believe we are half way through November and such a lot of plants are surviving still in the garden. Today I meant to blip " A " emptying the leaves , we took 5 bags of leaves down to the " dump " , leaves from my neighbours Acer ( which as the blip shows still has loads more to shed!! ) I just find it so hard now to collect these leaves every year, no leaves fall in her garden either, I know I'm winching but it really doesn't seem fair! A helps no end but I have to collect too.
It is rather dull outside today, but as yet no rain! This is to come no doubt, the wind is getting up so maybe this is keeping it away. I should just mention I also have leaves blown from the tree lined street which collect at my house!!! Just saying ------ ------ !!
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