Zombie alert!!

Another rotten night, but I had no choice but to get myself up and out, as I had to go into Bath for another OT session at The Mineral Hospital. So if you hear any news reports of a zombie being spotted wandering around Bath, don’t worry it was only me!!

Today’s session was held in the Victorian Chapel (now the hospital’s lecture room) which was badly damaged by bombing during World War 2, but in the early 1960s the Chapel was fully restored, though in a simpler style than before. The seven stained glass windows were replaced in the apse, illustrating the same incidents in the Bible as the original ones, all dealing with the power of water: the baptism of Jesus, Christ at the Pool of Siloam healing the sick, Christ washing the feet of his disciples, Baptism of the eunuch by St Philip, Christ and the Samarian woman at the well, Naaman the Syrian in Jordan and Moses striking the rock. (Shame it was such a dull morning, as the odd glimpse of sunshine really brought the colours of the windows to life...)

Afraid I seem to have lost my blip mojo, sorry about recent naff photos and my lack of replies and comments…

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