New trousers

I mentioned that I had to retire my lined-trousers last week after many years of good service. I purchased the replacements yesterday and gave them a test drive today. All good. Nice and warm sitting in the biting wind swearing under my breath at the coach party of loud "experts" who pitched up and opened all the windows in the hide so that it became a polar wind-tunnel. I stayed in that hide after they left in order to regain my balance and then leap-frogged over them by skipping the next hide - no big loss as it was the wrong time of day to see anything from that one. 

They did little to take the gloss off a lovely day though. The light was difficult and the wind biting but some lovely birds around and it was a smashing way to spend a Monday. I've chucked a fungus on the extras bin - no idea what it might be but I thought it was pretty. And this morning started with a gadgy coming round and fitting a CO2 detector in the pantry so it has to be a good day doesn't it?

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